The Practice:

The Level 1 ATB Writing Circle 


Wednesdays, 5-7PM
Panteón 19 | Todos Santos

Write & read in English or Spanish.

Facilitated by: (and/or)
Amanda Aileen Fisher
Nica Celly
Charlotte Eulette


2nd & 4th Mondays, 5-7PM
Teatro Pescadero | Pescadero

Write & read in English or Spanish.

Facilitated by: (and/or)
Dillon Porter
Amanda Fisher


Everyone welcome.

1-2/month | mixed dates & time
mixed locations
| Todos Santos & Pescadero

Write & read in English or Spanish.

Facilitated by: (and/or)
Amanda Fisher
Charlotte Eulette

Mixto Spanish

Spanish fluency in both writing and speaking required.

Tuesdays, 6-8PM
Centro Cultural
| Todos Santos

Write & read in Spanish.

Facilitated by: Daniela Fabián Orozco

We all have words.
Come use them.

Drop into a circle or get a membership and come for the whole season. Memberships also help support the ATB Writing Revolution.

Format of a Level 1 Circle

1. Write
2. Read
3. Listen
4. Feedback

Write for 10 minutes with a prompt — the beginning of a sentence that drops you into your story. Prompts can take you into styles of writing you have never before explored, uncovering characters and tales that lie deep within. And you do it all in a way that feels effortless. The prompt activates the writing and it flows out. You just catch it with the page.

Read aloud. Reading is always optional, but the first 10 to arrive at circle and sign in get dibs.

Listen, actively. You are guided into what active listening really means. Listening deeply opens your awareness around the writing, which impacts your own over time. Prompts are also provided for this part of the process, which gives you a starting point for feedback.

Give & receive feedback. Offer your perceptions of others’ writing. And receive, objectively. Feedback helps you to identify and develop your piece of writing and the particularly of your unique voice — as a writer, as a human.

We keep it all on the writing, but it impacts so much more.


portraits by Sasha Golyanova

Todos Santos Public School Program

This season, we are bringing Abre Tu Boca into the public school system in the project’s hometown of Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico.

Public school students will participate in Abre Tu Boca writing circles, helping them to find and flex the power of their voices and to appreciate the particularity found in each.

This program is provided free of charge to public school students in Todos Santos. If you would like to help support the development costs of this season’s programming, please become an Abre Tu Boca Member, Patron, or Business Member, or Sponsor Member.