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The writing process belongs to everyone, not just to those we elevate to “writers.” Writing is a way of getting to know yourself, of meeting your own inner voice and coming to trust it. When you stop editing yourself as the words come to the page, eventually you stop editing yourself.
Abre Tu Boca reminds you that your voice is perfectly intact. It helps you to hear it. To identify and appreciate its particularity. It helps you to follow it to the page. And then to follow it. For real.
So yes, Abre Tu Boca is a project that deals in writing. It’s the tool and, you could say, the product. It does produce really f-ing good writing. But most times, it comes from people who never called themselves “writers.” What does that mean? It means it’s transformative. And when we all have a voice that strong and clear, which we feel confident using… well, that’s revolutionary.